Chris Newey on the value of a Dairy Open Day

10th November 2023

When looking after herds of animals on a dairy farm, it’s easy to get stuck in the daily routine of feeding, milking and dealing with slurry.

Chris Newey, a dairy specialist and one of T H WHITE’s representatives, talks through how a dairy open day can help to freshen things up around the farm.

Chris says: “Although many of the farmers I talk to say they find comfort in their routines, we can sometimes overlook ways to improve things with new ideas. This is where a farm open day can be really inspiring.

A T H WHITE dairy open day is a loosely structured farm visit to see new technology in use and new ways of doing things while speaking to representatives from a variety of specialists. On the 8th November we ran an open day at the Barkers’ farm in Winslow, Buckinghamshire in partnership with DeLaval, our main dairy supplier.

The Barkers have recently installed two DeLaval VMS milking robots and are keen to talk to other dairy farmers about how this technology has helped their business. We are delighted to say that farmers from all over the country turned up for the chance to see how the robots looked in action and how they fit into the farm as a whole. The day was very relaxed. Farmers started to arrive from around 9:30 and then drifted in and out through the rest of the day. Everyone mingled and chatted together, and there were plenty of dairy specialists around for anyone with a specific question.

  • MegaFan were there, talking about the importance of temperature control, airflow in the barn and avoidance of heat stress in the summer.
  • ForFarmers UK were there to offer feed advice and give some valuable insights.
  • DeLaval were there as our main supplier with VMS milking robot specialists on hand.

“My customers tell me it’s great to have this easy going, informal and informative day to allow them the space to ask questions in a relaxed atmosphere. We are all keen to learn about new ways of doing things and the changes affecting dairy. Farmers really appreciate the chance to get clear information and the freedom of an open day allows them to ask the questions they feel passionate about. Some like to attend several to understand how adopting new technology might affect them”.

T H WHITE run open days regularly throughout our coast to coast territory in the south of England.

Talk to Chris Newey today on 07880 798 475 or email to attend our next dairy open day or find out about our latest ways to support dairy farmers.